RM29.90 (100ml) NO STOCK
RM45.00 (250ml)
SkinHeal Herbal Spray selamat digunakan dan tidak menyebabkan iritasi, reaksi alergik dan toxic luaran pada tisu. Mengandungi bahan yg menjauhkan lalat bagi mencegah myasis dan jangkitan lain.
Semburan ini sesuai untuk:
Semburan ini sesuai untuk:
# luka berulat
# luka pembedahan
# bisul, jangkitan luka
# luka kerana gigitan
# jangkitan bakteria dan fungal
# luka kecederaan dan sebagainya.
Cara menggunakannya:
Sembur SkinHeal Herbal Spray dalam kuantiti yang mencukup ke kawasan jangkitan atau spray SkinHeal pada kain gauze dan tekapkan pada luka. Lakukan sekali atau 2 kali setiap hari sehingga luka kering dan sembuh.
Semburan antiseptik ini merupakan rawatan alternatif sahaja. Sebaik2nya hendaklah pemilik haiwan berjumpa dengan Vet untuk mendapatkan rawatan yg terbaik.
Wounds and skin affections of fungal, bacterial and parasitic origin are commonly observed in small and large animals. Generally skin ointments are used to treat these skin conditions. SkinHeal Herbal Spray prepared from the extracts and oils of selected natural plants is available in unique spray form for fast healing of wounds and for safe and effective treatment of fungal, bacterial and parasitic skin affections such as :
# Maggotted Wounds
# Gangrenous Wounds
# Surgical Wounds
# Lacerated, Infected and Ulcerated Wounds
# Bite Wounds
# Septic Wounds
# Burns, Injuries and Traumatic Wounds
# Fungal and Bacterial skin infections.
SkinHeal Herbal Spray is naturally safe and does not cause tissue irritation, allergic reaction or topical toxicity. It also has fly-repellent property to prevent myiasis and cross infections.
Pleasant smell, nice yellow colour to maintain identification of sprayed areas and pressured aerosol spray system make it special for practitioners of modern age.
How to use:
Spray SkinHeal Herbal Spray in sufficient quantity on affected areas or put SkinHeal Herbal Spray soaked gauze in the wounds, once or twice daily till complete cure is achieved.